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拳交 扩张 风靡外交媒体的各样“自拍”

发布日期:2024-11-08 23:24    点击次数:118

拳交 扩张 风靡外交媒体的各样“自拍”

Selfie(自拍)被牛津字典选为2013年年度词汇拳交 扩张,与此同期,外交媒体上与之谈判的各样自拍照也层见叠出,如,腿部自拍、头发自拍、书架自拍等。你王人试过哪些自拍?


A legsie is a photo, usually taken on your mobile phone, that you take by tucking the device under your chin and pointing it towards your outstretched legs whilst relaxing. The legsie has two key facets: first, the legs themselves, their bronzed aura hopefully publicizing the sunny climes and gorgeous warm temperatures you're currently enjoying, and second, the view beyond those legs, typically a beach or sun-kissed swimming pool. Though it might seem odd to circulate a photo featuring legs unattached to torso and head, the whole point about the legsie is that it gives an opportunity for the viewer to share the sender's point of view,校园春色 a way of saying, 'This is what I'm looking at as I sit here enjoying myself …' in true 'Wish You Were Here' style.


Like it or loathe it, there's no doubt that the concept of self-portraiture has really captured the imagination of social media lovers. The legsie is just one among an ever-expanding set of variations on the theme拳交 扩张, which include the belfie (bum/butt + selfie, a shot of the posterior), helfie (hair + selfie, a shot of your hair), welfie (workout + selfie, a self-portrait of someone exercising) , drelfie (a selfie taken while drunk) and, arguably the most curious of all, the shelfie or bookshelfie (a shot of a person's bookshelves identifying their favorite reads, either with or without the reader). (Source: macmillandictionary.com)








(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)


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